SINERGI goes to SUKABUMI, West java Indonesia

Gathering is a form of PT Sinergi Bintang Milenia effort to give appreciation to the best employees.
This appreciation is given to build work enthusiasm in daily activities. The best and favorite employees are chosen based on evaluations that have been set according to HRD regulations.

Several outstanding employees will receive rewards from the company and will be selected into 3 categories: Best Employee 1, Best Employee 2, and Favorite Employee included in the rewards is the opportunity to go on Umrah. The gathering activity is held outside the office or outside the city, with a focus on beautiful natural surroundings.

All of this is part of the company’s activities with all the employees of PT Sinergi Bintang Milenia. Hopefully, in the future, the company and its employees will continue to progress and grow, especially in the field of aesthetics in our beloved Indonesia, like our motto SINERGI….!!! “Impossible we Do, Miracle we Try”.